Stat Browser

Written By Tasha Pudin (Collaborator)

Updated at September 29th, 2021

The Stat Browser is a raw data viewer. The columns of the table will change depending on the type of stat being viewed.

IMS ships with some default stat types viewable in the Stat Browser:

  • IP Device Log 
    • The IP Device Log stat is commonly used to record syslog data sent from devices to the IMS server.
  • Estimated Movement
    • The Estimated Movement stat is derived from location stats. Estimated speed and distance travelled for an Asset is calculated by interpolating location stats for the Asset.
  • Estimated Movement By Zone
    • The calculated for speed and distance travelled for an Asset is similar to the Estimated Movement stats. The differences are:
      • Each Estimated Movement By Zone stat will be associated with a Filter Zone (see the Zones section).
      • The speed and distance calculation will only include location stats that are in the Filter Zone of interest.

Additional custom stat types can be added with some additional configuration. Ask the FTP team for more details.