Core Concepts

Written By Bernadette Boscojoseph (Collaborator)

Updated at March 5th, 2025

Core Concepts

  • Asset

    • An asset represents a physical construct such as a tower, trailer, building or vehicle; at any given time, an asset may have one or more Location Stats recorded against it.
  • IP Device

    • An IP device represents a device on the network; at any given time, an IP device may have one or more IP Device Stats recorded against it.
    • An IP device may belong to an asset or it may be “orphaned” (one asset may have many IP devices).
  • Interface (previously Radio)

    • An interface represents a physical or logical interface for an IP device (such as an Ethernet port or a radio card); at any given time, an Interface may have one or more Interface Stats (previously Radio Stats) recorded against it. Additionally, at any given time, an Interface Stat may have one or more Connection Stats (previously Visible Radios) recorded against it (representing that this interface connects to a remote interface on a remote IP device, although the remote interface and remote IP device may not be known to IMS yet).
    • An interface must belong to an IP device (one IP device may have many interfaces).
  • Zone

    • A zone is a polygon on the globe that may be fixed or may have history (permitting changes over time); it may be used simply as a visual aid or for influencing certain IMS behaviour.
  • Trigger

    • A trigger is comprised of a filter definition and a condition definition which are used to generate a query that runs repeatedly in real-time against the data entering IMS; a trigger may generate Alerts and notifications of Alerts can be sent to users via email or text message.
  • Dashboard

    • A dashboard is comprised of one or more charts, tables or status items which all possess configurable aggregation specifics, and filter and grouping conditions.
  • Report

    • A report provides a mechanism to freeze a dashboard on a regular schedule and release it via email to specified users.