IMS v1.14

Written By Aaron Low (Administrator)

Updated at July 3rd, 2023

v1.14.11 (2023-06-25) (Build 387)


  • Users can select the Colour By Connection line separately for WiFi and LTE connections


  • Added a customisable timeout for PDF report generation
  • Next Hop field in InfoBox now shows additional information for LTE networks
  • Improved Heat Map filtering


  • Fix remote instance mode causing unreliable polling when multiple backends are in use 
  • Fixed missing ‘track asset’ button on any view other than Network
  • Fixed MAC and Visible Radio fields to only store correct properties
  • Fixed the display of bitrates in the Infobox to correctly show Mbit/s
  • Fixed an issue where IP device dynamic forms were not saving
  • Fixed UI lag when switching tabs after locking or unlocking a report
  • Fixed dead radio maintenance job to remove potential to delete visible radios
  • Fixed incorrect values being shown for Time spent on PCID
  • Fixed issue where Heat Maps panel breaks when filtering by a dynamic stat field for an IMS object
  • Fixed issue where a new interface could not be created with the same MAC address as a previously deleted interface
  • Other small fixes and tweaks


  • NEW – Victron Venus GX and attached solar controller
  • NEW- Nokia eNodeB (LTE Base Station)
  • FIX – update Scadapack + EFOY2800 integration connector mapping

v1.14.10 (2023-06-03) (Build 365)


  • New stats have been added for LTE Config and LTE Monitoring


  • Improved the performance and reduced the frequency of queries used to clean up old stats
  • eNodeB radio interfaces are automatically added for Telrad BreezeView API


  • Fixed issue where map layer names were not being updated for all users
  • Other small fixes and tweaks


  • Osprey 3D-P poller: Added “Next Hop” and removed unnecessary MTU and TQ Length fields
  • NEW – Fortinet FortiGate Rugged 60F-3G4G

v1.14.9 (2023-05-13) (Build 344)


  • Parent IP device name can now be shown in radio stat charts to help users differentiate between radio objects
  • Stat browser can be set up to show numbers as an integer or a decimal with configurable decimal places
  • The terrain layer config page now displays the date of creation of the terrain layer


  • Fixed issue where default integrations were not being turned on if there is another available system type that is deleted 
  • Fixed issue in dashboard date picker where IMS selects the wrong date
  • Other small fixes and tweaks


  • Improved error handling in Nokia FW2 Series integration

v1.14.8 (2023-04-27) (Build 327)


  • IP address details are automatically removed when a host becomes invalid


  • Fixed issue where heatmap colours get reversed if the legend panel is open
  • Fixed ‘error loading data’ in alert history due to partial time slices
  • Improved error handling of Telrad Breezeview API integration
  • Other small fixes and tweaks

v1.14.7 (2023-04-02) (Build 302)


  • Added the ability to export RF Transmitter data to a CSV file from a selected RF Plan
  • Users can now create a chart that shows how long a single UE was connected to each PCID
  • When heatmapping event stats users can now select from a list of known event types
  • Added a weekly maintenance task to clean up old, unused radio interfaces
  • When generating an RF plan users can toggle the display of coverage for each frequency
  • IMS – Wireless Manager now provides a real time view of the health of major IMS components
  • Dashboard settings now provide an option to include partial time slices
  • The Infobox now has a close button that will close the Infobox and deselect the asset


  • The MineStar Data Share API poller now has an option to disable polling for Machine Operator
  • Updated custom indicator colours for Deepsea Generator poller


  • Ensured that a persistent message is shown for an alerting trigger if it is moved from P2 or below to P1
  • Updated Cisco IR829 poller to handle ethernet interfaces with value of ‘None’
  • Various fixes and improvements to the Eaton SC300 poller
  • Performance improvements for trigger queries
  • Fixed issue in Infobox where rates are incorrectly shown as Bits instead of MBits
  • Other small fixes and tweaks


  • NEW – Aviat WTM4200
  • Cisco Fluidmesh poller is now compatible with the 4500 model
  • Cisco Catalyst 9800 now has separate integrations for SNMP and SSH commands
  • CPE12000 – consolidated the global LTE radio data into a single radio stat

v1.14.6 (2023-03-18) (Build 287)


  • Other small fixes and tweaks

v1.14.5 (2023-02-06) (Build 247)


  • An 'all items' option has been added to the dashboard pagination options


  • Fixed false alarms in Triggers when using a time filter resulting in evaluation of a small data sample
  • Fixed issue in charts where Filter By > Radio was not being applied
  • Other small fixes and tweaks


  • New - Telrad Breeze Compact 1000 Base Station (eNodeB)

v1.14.4 (2023-01-29) (Build 238)


  • Other small fixes and tweaks


  • Fixed connection issues with Nokia FW2 Series poller by moving from SSH to HTTP

v1.14.3 (2023-01-23) (Build 232)


  • The new global Search Tool (Ctrl+F) - to easily find Assets, IP Devices, etc on the IMS map - is now enabled by default
  • Added the ability to filter by Field Names and IP Device Types to the Infobox (for Assets only)
  • Added a collapse all/expand all toggle to the Infobox
  • The asset path profiling panel has been updated to give the user the ability to toggle between assets and lat/long selectors
  • Users can hide selected columns in a dashboard table
  • A new link on the Stat browser window allows users to fly to a location and timestamp


  • The file path used for CCMS log file integrations is now configurable
  • Users are immediately prompted for a tab name when creating a new Dashboard tab
  • Users can manually enter Map Imagery Layer names in Admin>Configuration when a layers list
  • selection is unavailable


  • Fixed minor issue where the Asset Colour By dropdown highlighted option would clear after 5 seconds
  • Fix for AVI CCMS Data Forwarder intermittently missing events
  • Fixed issue affecting some customers where WGBs were not being polled correctly for newly added assets
  • Fixed issue where IMS swapped Traffic and Interference values for the Cisco AP (WLC SNMP Poller) for the 2.4GHz radio
  • Fixed issue in Site Configuration, after updating site location, the system would "Fly To" the old coordinates
  • Improved behaviour and format consistency of all Input Fields across IMS
  • Fixed issue where an IMS Share Link (URL) incorrectly opened the default IMS view and not the "current view"
  • CSV export from IMS Manage tab now includes selected item data
  • Fixed duplicated stats for some event-based polling engines
  • Fixed Terrain Layer issues relating to assets located outside ArcGIS data
  • Fixed issue where data can be displayed out of order in bottom drawer charts at some large sites
  • Fixed the connection lines for the Aviat integration
  • Enabled editing of Nokia FW2Series interfaces
  • Fixed the local timestamp offsets for the data produced by the FrontRunner Event DB integration
  • Fixed colour config legend for Deepsea Generator Integrations
  • Fixed an issue where FrontRunner DB Events could intermittently not be heatmapped
  • Fixed intermittent “unknown” stats for a number of IP device integrations
  • Fixed issue where only Admin users could bulk add transmitters to an RF plan
  • Fixed issue where Deepsea Generator integration custom indicators were being displayed on all assets
  • Other small fixes and tweaks


  • Enhanced the CiscoIRX and AR503 LTE pollers so the user has the ability to produce Heat Maps based on UE-to-PCID connection data
  • Enhanced EMI Board (MPPT Solar Controller) integration to also monitor Battery Voltage and Output Current
  • Enhanced Ctrack integration metrics to monitor TackID for Light Vehicles
  • NEW – Telrad BreezeWay 2020 EPC
  • NEW – Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller
  • NEW – 3-DP Osprey Intelligent Endpoint
  • NEW – Midnite Solar MPPT Charge Controller via SCADAPack
  • NEW – EFOY 2800 Fuel Cell + MPPT via SCADAPack
  • Improved handling of extended Aviat Polling engine stats
  • Additional stats captured in AVI UE Stat Receiver Integration
  • Fixed incorrect stat names in Victron SSH poller
  • Updated colour config for Eaton SC300 integration
  • Additional values (Current, Voltage, Output Power) captured for Eaton SC300 integration

v1.14.2 (2022-11-23) (Build 163)


  • Clickable URLs can now be included in comments
  • A new colour legend is provided for Connections:Colour By in the Map Options tab of the Assets panel
  • Users can now filter by multiple tags in the Asset Table view of the "Manage" tab


  • Improved labelling of Latency and Connectivity colour legends
  • Improved reliability of Norsonic FTP Manager
  • Small styling changes to ensure style consistency


  • Fixed intermittent issue where connection lines were incorrect, based on an inaccurate LTE BandPCID partial match
  • Fixed partially broken Help Tours
  • Ensure units show in trigger query edit dialog
  • Fixed an error where drilling down into a status that has a parent type of 'asset' breaks when clicking on a specific asset
  • Fixed issue where blank IP address in stat data caused Cisco WLC SNMP poller to stop
  • Removed units from labels used on count aggregations on the IMS map and dashboard views
  • Enabled scrolling in dropdown lists using arrow keys
  • Corrected Mobility and Height values for new Asset Types
  • Fixed issue causing AVI CCMS Connector to hang after login
  • Improved parsing of data from Nokia FW2Series poller
  • Other small fixes and tweaks


  • NEW - Siklu EtherHaul EH-710
  • NEW - Telrad CPE12000
  • Improvements to Komatsu FrontRunner FMS integration, including adding a duration field to Lost Comms data 

v1.14.1 (2022-10-20) (Build 127)


  • Heaped bar charts now have a Label Direction option and a Show All option. These can be used to improve label rendering when there are many bars to display


  • Any Priority 1 (P1) triggers that are in the alerting state will make the Alerting Triggers widget in the top bar pulse on and off
  • Some improvements to IMS API performance


  • Small fixes and tweaks


  • NEW - Nokia FW2EGB Series. Location data only
  • NEW - AVI CCMS data forwarder. Causes the CCMS server to push radio metrics to the IMS backend
  • NEW - Eaton Matrix Inverter Controller. Collects voltages, currents, frequencies and temperatures
  • NEW - Eaton SC300. IMS supports a specific configuration of the device which may not be appropriate for your site. Please contact us for more details
  • NEW - DeepSea DSE892. Collects voltage, frequency, power, battery, fuel level and engine data
  • The Victron Controller integration has been extended to collect more battery data
  • The Nokia 7705 SAR-Hc integration has been extended to collect interface stats from non-cellular interfaces
  • The Nokia 7705 SAR-Hc integration has been extended to collect power levels from a optical SFP module

v1.14.0 (2022-10-03) (Build 106)


MAJOR: Added a colour legend for asset colouring and heatmaps

MAJOR: KML files can be uploaded into IMS as a new type of map layer available to all users. IMS can also load KML data from an external web server.

MAJOR: KML polygons can be converted to IMS zones which can then be used for other data analysis operations

MAJOR: KML files that are dragged onto the map now appear as a Feature Layer in the Map Layers panel

Path profiles can be created between 2 assets via a new right click menu option on the map

An experimental ArcGIS terrain integration

WMS and WMTS layers now list various available options such as layers and are easier to configure

LDAP settings can be configured via the IMS admin page

SMTP settings can be configured via the IMS admin page

New and improved date, time, date+time, and timezone widgets across the entire application

IMS Site settings can be configured via the IMS admin page. This allows the IMS admin to control the site name, timezone and initial camera position

New and improved design for the IMS admin page

Added more asset types with new mining icons for: backhoe loader, boom barrier, float, fuel pump, grader, scraper, service vehicle, shovel digger, water pump, shovel

Added the ability to override dashboard chart min-range and max-range

An IMS database replica can now be purchased as a companion product for IMS

Radio channel can now be visualized in dashboard charts, status and table components

Heat Maps can now be filtered by IP Device Tag

Assets and IP Device indicators on the IMS map can now be coloured by their channel

Assets can now be deleted directly on the Map by right-clicking them and picking "Delete Asset" from the context menu

The admin-only IMS Licensing page has been revamped and will allow improved license management by our customers

The Asset Table and IP Device Table on the Manage page can now be filtered by Asset Tag and IP Device Tag respectively


Removed the "All (1 slice)" option from Dashboards. It can be re-enabled via configuration if desired

Various updates to the design of the Dashboard page of IMS

Various updates to the design of the Triggers page of IMS

Improvements to the IMS login screen

Improvements to user input handling when the user is moving in between RF planning and path profiling

The "excavator" icon has been replaced with an icon that looks like an excavator instead of a shovel

Latitude, longitude order should now be consistent across IMS, i.e. latitude should come first

The licensing page "days remaining" number will now change colour depending on how many days are remaining in the license.

Revamped many user components in IMS for a general application uplift and improved performance

All buttons that "create" something in IMS are now coloured green for consistency

Tickets will no longer report having an "Invalid Date" in the Activity Log, instead it will say correctly show "None"


RF Transmitters with no location will no longer draw on an incorrect point on the globe. The user is now warned that the RF transmitter has no location

Login errors are now more clearly worded

Misc backend performance improvements and bug fixes

Fixed some data loading issues in the bottom drawer charts

Fixed location input for RF transmitters

Attempting to "fly" to an Asset with no location will now give the user a warning

The Asset and Zone list components now indicate when a group, e.g. an Asset Type, is partially hidden

Fixed issues with IMS loading in a Safari browser

Fixed the IMS integration with Milestone to be more tolerant of IMS mis-configuration

Improved support for deploying on RHEL environments with podman

The Stat Browser stat type dropdown is now responsive to browser resizing

Fixing the API aggregate endpoints where certain queries would consume a large amount of memory

Fixed some display issues for the Infobox for Heat Map cells

Fixed an issue where on-click RF planning would use the coverage layer type from the previously selected RF plan. Now on-click RF planing will use the RSSI gradient coverage type by default

When a connection line is selected, IMS now only shows radio data in the bottom drawer charts that are a part of the selection

Fixed an issue where larger sites would not be able to create Heat Maps for radio data

Many other small fixes and tweaks


NEW - ICT240DB-8IRC DCPower Switch integration

NEW - Sprint Web Relay x410e integration

NEW - Eltek Compack integration

NEW - Eaton EFX48 UPS integration

NEW - Komatsu FrontRunner Event DB integration

The NEC iPasolink integration can support additional interface names for the main ethernet interface

Fixed the authorization flow for the Cambium PTP600 integration to support a wider array of device versions

Fixed the SNMP Trap Manager restarting when no SNMP traps are received for a period of time

The Huawei ETP48200 UPS integration has renamed "DC total output current" datapoint to "Total Rectifier Output Current", now has a battery group charging status field, records rectifier output current for each rectifier and will not record any data for the mains phases when they are not configured

The MAS GPS integration can now be configured to prioritise certain location sources over others

The AVI UE SSH integration now collects location data from the device when available

The MST Impact integration now  has additional support for the MST Sensalink devices

Various improvements to data processing to enhance consistency and performance

The AVI UE SSH integration can now collect WIFI data

Renamed the Cisco IR829 integration to the Cisco IR-series integration and added a Cisco IR1101 IP Device type

Added support for more recent versions of firmware to the Netmodule UE integration

Renamed the Simark Scadapack integration to the SFC Scadapack 350 integration

The Cisco Switch Integration now records the temperature of the device

MineStar Data Share API integration now has the option to collect GPS reliability data. By default this is disabled