v1.17.0 (2024-11-14) (Build 909A)
Various enhancements to Asset Templates including improved flexibility and a new compliance indicator to show if Asset and IP Device configurations match their template
3D Heatmaps are now available in IMS Underground
3D Zones are now available in IMS Underground
Improved the way Infobox detail sections expand and contract
New Tooltips on Manage Overview Page for Tags and Asset Templates
RSRP for two antennas on the same radio can now be viewed in one dashboard or the bottom draw
Improved handling of dashboard filters when selected options are not supported by current timeframe
BCAPI (Rajant Breadcrumb) integration has improved how it configures live trace and can scale watch intervals in accordance with the number of integrated devices
Fixed Eaton SC300 devices version stats not updating due to timing issue
The Nokia 7705 integration now includes location data