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Raw IP Device Types / System Types / Dynamic Stat Schemas CSVs and JSONs
These URLs point to the CSV files and JSON files that are updated each time IMS code is merge into the "master" branch (usually several times a day). A brief explanation of the concepts: System Types System Types represent a type of external system that IMS can integrate with e.g. Cisco WLC SNMP integration, MineStar DataShare API integration etc As...
1 min reading timeTech Wiki has been migrated to Helpjuice [Brendan]
You're seeing this page because the FTP Solutions Tech Wiki has been deprecated and migrated to Helpjuice. If you need access to Helpjuice and you don't have it, please raise a ticket in Zoho. If you absolutely need access to the old FTP Solutions Tech Wiki please see this article....
0 min reading time